Your gift might be tax-deductible. Your contribution to THS helps us in our efforts to preserve and share the resources in the Archives Collections, as well as increase our impact and outreach. Consult with your tax professional for advice about tax deductions.
Consider increasing your support of THS this year by upgrading your membership to a higher supporting level. When you donate through our site, your gift can be paid in monthly installments as a recurring donor.
To submit your donation at your preferred contribution level, please click here.
Corporate Member Benefits
Member benefits that include:
- One-year subscription to Marquee®
- Discounts on research in the Archives Collections
- Discounts on merchandise in our online shop
- Discounts on THS event registrations
- Voting rights in the Society
- Access to the members-only section of [Coming Soon]
E-editions of THS publications for your staff
$100-249 FOX LEVEL
- All of the benefits listed above
- Listing in the Annual Report
- All of the benefits listed above
- THS Tote Bag
- 2 Gift Memberships
- All of the benefits listed above
- THS Umbrella
- ¼ page in 2 print quarterly newsletters
- ¼ page in one issue of marquee
- 2 hours archives research time
$1,000-4,999 BIJOU LEVEL
- All of the benefits listed above
- 4 Gift Membership to share with your friends
- ½ page in 2 quarterly newsletters or ¼ page in 4 quarterly newsletters
- ¼ page in 4 issues of Marquee
- ¼ page in Conclave Theatre Tour publication
- logo in e-newsletter 1x per month (12 e-newsletters)
$5,000-9,999 TIVOLI LEVEL
- All of the benefits listed above
- Assistance in booking personal theatre tours
- ½ page in all 4 quarterly newsletters
- logo in all weekly e-newsletters / 52
- ½ Page in 4 issues of Marquee
- Full Page in Conclave Theatre Tour publication
$10,000+ ROXY LEVEL
- All of the benefits listed above
- A private lecture in your home
Company Logo on Corporate Supporters Public Page
Inside front or inside back cover of all 4 quarterly Newsletter sorted by giving amount then alpha logo in all weekly e-newsletters
Special logo placement on THS website
Full page in 4 Marquee
Inside Cover of Conclave Theatre Tour Publication
Do we have your email address?
Help THS go digital. When you provide your email address you help us conserve office products and reduce postage expenses, in addition to making your membership experience more responsive and flexible!
Please Note that our business address for your membership renewal is in Pittsburgh, PA:
Theatre Historical Society of America
461 Cochran Rd. Box 246
Pittsburgh, PA 15228
630-782-1800 ext. 304
“The aura of history that fills a structure like the Chautauqua Amphitheatre is intangible yet unmistakable. If it is lost it can have no true replacement. A replica building, no matter how carefully designed, would inevitably be sterile. The original’s spirit would be gone; its irreplaceable soul lost forever. The Theatre Historical Society of America celebrates our nation’s rich heritage of theater buildings. Future generations deserve the opportunity to experience its unique presence.”
– Craig Morrison, AIA, THS Board President, Theatre Scholar